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Massachusetts Orchid Society

CAIOS Monthly Meeting - Sarcochilus: Jewels of Spring

  • 09 Mar 2014
  • 12:30 PM - 2:30 PM
  • The Administration Building of the Cape Cod Fairgrounds 1220 Nathan Ellis Hwy, (Rt. 151) East Falmouth MA 02536
Please note the winter start time - 12:30 pm.

Sarcochilus: Jewels of Spring

Tim Culbertson will focus on the genus Sarcochilus, a beautiful, easy-to-grow, group of Australian orchids very suitable for windowsill and under-lights growing, and in the midst of a tremendous revolution in hybridizing for color and form. A & P Orchids in Swansea has recently imported a number of flasks of these plants. Tim will discuss some of their parents and directions these new seedlings can offer.  He will be bringing some Sarcos for sale as well.

In addition to being a CAIOS member and an accredited judge with the American Orchid Society, Tim teaches middle school kids for a living. One of his passions has always been plants. He began growing orchids as an offshoot from working at Longwood Gardens in Philadelphia just after college. From the very beginning, it was all about Paphs, particularly awarded and select clones of historic importance, of which his collection numbers nearly 1000. While he loves finding old, rare stepping-stones in Paph breeding, he also does a little hybridizing of his own, and finds growing up his own babies is a blast.
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