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Massachusetts Orchid Society

February 2023 Meeting - Chuck Anderson - Growing Dendrobiums

  • 14 Feb 2023
  • 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM
  • SOI 117 Swanton Street Winchester

Chuck has grown Orchids since the age of 14. He lives in New Hampshire and retired early, just prior to COVID, to help his wife with her business at Mason Hollow Nursery. Now orchids have taken over half of their greenhouse! They specialize in intermediate to cool growing species, in particularly Pleurothallids and Dendrobiums.

The genus Dendrobium is a very large, found in
highly diverse habitats which can provide challenges and opportunities for both the novice and seasoned grower. Chuck will give an overview of the variety that can be found within the genus and some useful tips for successful culture.

Chuck will be selling his plants at the meeting.

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